Essays in Anarchism and Religion (PDF)



Acknowledgements ix

Anarchism and Religion: Mapping an Increasingly

Fruitful Landscape 1

Alexandre Christoyannopoulos & Matthew S. Adams

The Catholic Worker, Dorothy Day, and Exemplary Anarchism 18

Benjamin J. Pauli

Mutuality, resistance and egalitarianism in a late colonial Bakongo

Christian movement 51

Ruy Llera Blanes

Why Anarchists Like Zen? A Libertarian Reading of Shinran

(1173–1263) 78

Enrique Galván-Álvarez

Was the historical Jesus an anarchist? Anachronism, anarchism and

the historical Jesus 124

Justin Meggitt

A Reflection on Mystical Anarchism in the Works of Gustav Landauer

and Eric Voegelin 198

Franziska Hoppen

The Anarchē of Spirit: Proudhon’s Anti-theism & Kierkegaard’s Self

in Apophatic Perspective 238

Simon D. Podmore

Does religious belief necessarily mean servitude? On Max Stirner

and the hardened heart 283

Hugo Strandberg

Contributors 308

Index 312

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